Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nearly Survived Term 1 - thanks to my PLN

Ok - so I've got a heck of a lot I could blog about from the last two weeks but I simply haven't had the time and energy to type them up in any way which would do them justice.

This term I have had struggled as I find my feet in the new job and to balance the new responsonsibilities and my role as a classroom teacher. Over the term I've relied heavily on my PLN for ideas, support and as a venting ground for my frustrations and insecurities. They have offered support, advice, and laughter. This is a public shout out to @shanetechteach, @checkingboxes, @agrei8, @bethstill, @dishtopmop, @sunshinetalia - there are plenty of others and I know I've missed people.

I will write up my last few projects and my plans for Term Two after I sleep about 3 days over the weekend!


BethStill said...

Thanks for the shout-out. It is nice to know I have had some impact on you. You definitely have inspired me. I know exactly how you feel about not having time to get your thoughts into a blog. I struggle with this all of the time. Maybe this summer I will have more time.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Nic

I knew you would get through it all, keep up the good work