Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Recharging...75% complete

Photo-A-Day; August 21st Two

Well, the reality is unavoidable - there are five days remaining of my holidays. It's time to stop avoiding the inevitable and start working my way through the box of paperwork I need to get done before next Monday. Usually we have a pupil free day on the first Monday of a term - but this term we don't, so come Monday it's action all stations and we're hitting the ground running. Here's hoping everyone's batteries are recharged and that the flagging energy of the last few weeks of Term 3 will no longer be bothering us.

Here's some of the things I MUST get done before term begins:

  • Finish marking the Drama class's ezine articles
  • Set up a web based presentation of these articles to share within the walled garden
  • Finish marking the Year 8 Art assignments (and no, I am not an Art teacher)
  • Figure out exactly what I need to teach from the rather ambiquous and ill defined task sheet
  • Find out what I'm teaching in the Middle School this term...this was left most vague at the end of last term
  • Start work on a conference presentation (starting with finding the email outlining what I said I'd speak about...)
  • Develop the email lists, email invitations and necessary handout/worksheets for students and staff about the Media Watching online competition I hope to hold with the Year 10 cohort this term
  • Define and develop some sort of more formal approach to encouraging and supporting staff in using eLearning strategies - came up with a vague idea to acknowledge and promote some of the cool stuff happening in the school already, but am not sure how best to do this...anyone have any ideas?

And finally - the most important job for me to complete in the next five days:

  • Completing the time/space warp drive so I can have all the time in the world to finish what needs to be done, when it needs doing!

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